Saturday, July 10, 2010

Creative is a human’s ability that can make something real and new based on their idea. So what I expect from this class is we know about what the creative is and what I should do to become a creative person.

Well, first class we learn about what we can’t become the creative people. The answer is because of the “myth of creativity”. That is right; the one that can bar our creativity is our negative mind. Let’s say we have positive thinking that we can be a creative people, so it can push you to reach your maximal ability to be creative.

I found this quote

“If it doesn't sell, it isn't creative”. David Ogilvy

This is the way we are thinking but, we can’t just judge this quote wrong. We can say this quote is also correct. If we want to think about it, it’s correct because when we are not creative, we cannot sell our art work. Isn’t it? On the other hand, that quote can be false because creative doesn’t mean to be precious. If we think about money that, can be one of trouble to reach our max creativity.

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